How to remove Enum comma in Number data type


I need help.

I have a CSV file that will be uploaded regularly which contains the Year column in number type. In the app Year is an Enum Number data type. But by doing this thousand separated comma is automatically added.

Is there a way to go about this without changing the data type to text in CSV or in the APP? 

Solved Solved
0 10 324
  • UX

I found a solution for this. Writing the solution for others to see. 

Add a new table with the ID as list of year.

Use Enum and Base type make it Ref and reference the year table. This solves the issue.



View solution in original post



Want the comma removed in the UX


Does it save the separator to your data source?

No it does not. Only in the app we can see the separator




@AleksiAlkio Will you be able to help me here?

In the beginning when you added the value directly through the app without any CSV import, was it showing the number without the separator? What happens now if you add it through the app?

In the app also it shows with a separator. Since it an Enum





Have you tried to use a different locale settings with the CSV import?

I tried changing locale setting. It doesn't solve the issue.โ˜น๏ธ 

This may be a dumb suggestion, but have you tried putting the Enum values in quotes?

I found a solution for this. Writing the solution for others to see. 

Add a new table with the ID as list of year.

Use Enum and Base type make it Ref and reference the year table. This solves the issue.



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