How to save the record then come back to fill later?


I'm devleoping an AppSheet for laboratory record, there is a test that require to do more than one day so I need to record on the 1st day then save the record and come back to record again in the next day. The app that I devleoped is only allowed me to select "Prev", "Cancel" and "Next" but no "Save" button. How can I add "Save" button?




0 3 119

Hi Prasert,

You at least need to create separate view for the 1st and the 2nd fills. 

For example one way to do this is  to create two actions that link to two views containing columns of the 1st and the 2nd fill :

  1. Create a new view, and display only the columns you need for the first fill.
  2. Create a new action "first fill" "go to another view within the app" > As formula : linktoview("name of the new view")
  3. Replace the original "add action"  with the new one(so hide the original, and show the new one)
  4. Create a 2nd view with the columns needed for the 2nd fill.
  5. Create a 2nd action "2nd fill" , linktoview("name of the 2nd view") and show it wherever you want.

Hi Baba

Thanks for your answer, just picked up your answer. Will review and come back that will this is worked, as preliminary check it seems to be a workable solution for the issue.


 I made a mistake in my answer, at the fifth point.  It will be more complicated than that because you can't update the row using linktoview(). My bad.

I think what you can try is to use LINKTOFORM() and add two filter column. Place that action in the detail view of your 1stfill detail view (so that you can prefill the form using the 1st fill values). Add theses :  [appear] and [refFill] columns.

Then, use a Slice for that view, where you only shows rows that matches your filter : [appear] <> "no".  

For the linktoform() of 2nd fill : linktoform("viewname",[keycolumn] = uniqueid(), [refFill] = [_THISROW].[keycolumn], [col1] = [_THISROW].[col1], [col2] = [_THISROW].[col2],etc for every columns.

 I guess it would work if you use automation, and add a [refFill] column.

Automation condition :  [refFill] <> "", automation will know that it's the 2nd fill. Then update the [appear] column to "no". (you need to create a set rows value action where [appear] = "no"), then in the automation , Run action on Rows, select the table, as referenced rows formula put select(tablename[refFill],[keycolumn] = [refFill]).


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