How to show summary of status in Appsheet

I have 15 kinds of status like (open ,close ,pending ,approve) in appsheet.
i want to show sumary of status like below..



Pls show me how to do this?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @vicks88980 

You would benefit from using a rich text formatting.

For reference:  Rich Text Formatting - in Preview Program - Google Cloud Community

Here is a sample code:


 The output looks like this:


It's up to you to adapt the example provided above to make it match your need 🙂

Remember to tick this option:




That's brilliant @Aurelien  Another option that I use is to use View Options --> Group by. First Status and then _RowNumber and Select Group Aggregate as COUNT.



and below is the result



Another option is using PIVOT TABLE

I'll chime in with a little high-level theory on how we can make solving the "getting the count" problem computationally easier on the system.

  • Ultimately we're trying to solve the problem: how many X, Y, and Z items

For this, my solution would be to either:

  1. create slices for these, which I can then simply COUNT(Pending_Slice[Record_ID]) to get my number; or
  2. create a "support" table with records that represent each of the status, changing the status column in your data table to ref connect to this new Status_Types table, and then on this new table... you'll have a [Related Whatevers] for all the records in that status.

I'm quite partial to b myself; but if you've only got a few path A can work just fine.  But you said 15, so I'd got the route of building out a new reference table for these and connecting things together like this.

  • This will ultimately open up further doors and functionality later on down the road, which you might not be considering right now.


PS: @Aurelien nice Rich Text usage!  I love it

@MultiTech wrote:

create a "support" table with records that represent each of the status, changing the status column in your data table to ref connect to this new Status_Types table, and then on this new table... you'll have a [Related Whatevers] for all the records in that status.



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