Hwo to create Mobile View app for my website?

I want to create mobile apps for my shoe reviews website Ice Chest Coolers and Manpower recruitment Website. what should I do? Should I hire a mobile app developer or it can be possible without any coding knowledge . 

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I don't think anyone can answer this for you.  But let's see if we can provide some thought provoking question to help you make the decision for yourself.

  Considerations go beyond the actual development of the app.  It seems you already have a system in place and I have to assume that you want to share information back and forth between your website the mobile app.  So some of the initial questions for you to ask yourself are:

  • Is the current data in a datasource that AppSheet can pick up, use and update?  If not, what will it take to get the data into a form that can be used by AppSheet and then back to the website?  
  • Is there any additional integration, aside from data, needed in the website?  This may require someone with web app development experience.
  • How quickly do you need the changes made?  An experienced AppSheet person can make changes much faster than someone new who has no experience with sheet formulas.  If you hire someone, they do not need mobile app development experience.
  • What is the budget?  If you decide to hire someone, can they make the changes in the timeframe you wish with the budget you have?
  • Do you have an understanding of how sheets work (Google or Excel) and how to use formulas within the sheets?  If not, how technically inclined are you to learn how to implement formulas?  Though there is no program source code implementation in AppSheet, you do need a good understanding of logic and how to use it in the creation of formulas/expressions - very similar to writing formulas in sheets.

If you feel you can handle the technical part of creating an app then the decision boils down to two considerations:

  1. Can you afford the TIME it will take to do it yourself to save on cost?
  2. Can you afford the COST of a contractor to get your app built and integrated with your website faster?

I hope this helps!

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