I can't group data slices, of Forms types, in a Dashboard primary view

Why is that you can't group data slices of Form type into a Dashboard primary view?

0 3 101

@nestorlsantiago wrote:

can't group slices of Data of Form type

I have no idea what you mean by this.

Maybe you mean why can't Forms be added to a Dashboard?  

Forms, in most cases, need to rely on background data to show drop-downs and perform validations as well as other tasks.  If a Form was kept open for any period of time, this supporting information could become stale/old.  A Form needs to open at the time the new row entry needs to be inserted or edited so all supporting details are up to date.


"Maybe you mean why can't Forms be added to a Dashboard? "

Correct, the above is the accurate statement of the question. 

Ok, I understand why the limitation.  Then my question would be if there is a way to setup/organize Forms in multi-page or multi-tabs mode, instead of all inputs of a Form happening in one long scrolling page or screen.  Please advise, thanks for the support.


@nestorlsantiago wrote:

Then my question would be if there is a way to setup/organize Forms in multi-page or multi-tabs mode, instead of all inputs of a Form happening in one long scrolling page or screen.  Please advise, thanks for the support.

I have been out on vacation over the past 2 weeks.  I apologize you haven't heard sooner from meโ‰ฅ

If you haven't already figured this out...the answer is YES.  You can create tabbed Forms. 

You do this by....

1) Adding SHOW type columns (they can be Virtual) ...one for each Tab you wish to have.   Set the SHOW columns "Category" property to "Page_Header"  and insert the name of the tab in the "Content" property.

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 8.49.59 AM.png  

2)  Create form view and set its "Page Style" to "Tabs".

3) Add the columns to the Form view EXPLICITLY - order matters.  Start by adding the first SHOW column you wish as the first Tab.  Then list all the data columns you wish to display on this first tab.  Repeat for all additional tabs.

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 8.55.48 AM.png


I hope this helps!

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