I have made date as ref but in model colum showing the date? Please help me

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So far, the Defect Data is your transaction table. Here no need Model field as model should be referred from the parent Table (I dont know the name). You need to select only the date combo field during transaction. It should be the data structure, so far I could understand.

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You need to change the Label. Ref shows the Label Column. Since you the Date as label, so, it is being shown. If you change the label to Section/Model/any virtual column, then it would be shown accordingly.

โ€ฆSince you select the Date as labelโ€ฆ

After changing label Not Changing the model column showing as before the date

It works. You made many mistakes
inside. Let me tell you. If you can show me the parent and child table both. then quickly i can tell you specifically.

Child tabled

parent table

Top one parent and the bottom one is child.



Hi! I found the issue. You see, in the parent table you did not change the label to model, instead it is remained as date. Please change that to model you can see the difference. You will find the model when you click the ref combo.

I have already tried but the result is same

I am talking about the parent table

This is not your parent table. this is the child one.

After clicking on the datetime dropdown, it shows the model as below.

Parents Table

Form should come from the Child table. Dropdown will be on the Date field, not on the Model Field.

child data structure

That should be on the child table/form as transaction.

So far, the Defect Data is your transaction table. Here no need Model field as model should be referred from the parent Table (I dont know the name). You need to select only the date combo field during transaction. It should be the data structure, so far I could understand.

I can see many redundant data in your defect Data table, if it is your child/transaction table such as Section, Model.

child data structure

Ya. it is fine. But I can see some non datetime data in your Date Field. Anyway it doesnt matter so much.

When I click the Date dropdown, Model will be selected, Since model was selected as Label in the parent Table.

I think you have used a Valid If Event expression in the model field here for the FORM. Otherwise, model field should not show the dropdown as in the table it is only a Text type column. Please check it. May be the is like this- Table name[Date], in the Valid If event of the Model Field.

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