I'm angry


A new change to the UI/UX without any test/feedback?

Why I'm seeing the Enum/EnumList so small compared to the rest of the UI's text?

2 20 756

What are you talking about?

Hi @SkrOYC Do you have a screen shot?

Edited. Sorry.

I see what you mean. Mine look rather small also.


The text size was the same on Enum as titles

Still not sure what you're referring to.

Is your screenshot a before or after screenshot?

Are you saying the enum option values font is different from the column name font? How was it before, and how is it now?

I'm experiencing it too. The font of the values / options in the EnumLists (when entering data in the form screen) is smaller than before. Pretty sure that screenshot was from after the change.

@Marc_Dillon As told by @jonbell, the screenshoot is the way it looks today. I don't have an old one.

The size of the text displayed on the Enum/EnumList buttons is smaller than before. It was the same size as the text on the rest of the app.

Notice the size of the text on the enum vs the date field. It should be the same



I think the below post also observes the same issue. I also feel the font size has reduced in enum buttons.


The temporary fix could be to use the format rules "text" setting to increase the font size. Of course it is not a very convenient fix as it may need to be done for many enum fields in an app.


Thanks to @SkrOYC  for bringing this to our attention and to @Suvrutt_Gurjar for the format rule suggestion.  If the AppSheet change is permanent, then my new format rule will be a permanent part of my app too.  I found that +1.3 displays the text at close to the default size for ordinary text display in my app. 

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 13.31.28.pngScreen Shot 2022-02-18 at 13.31.50.png

I'm not sure what the previous enum size was but I hadn't thought to control it myself until I saw this thread.

@Willem : Please take a look at the above thread.

Thanks, i will try the temporary fix.

Sure , you may wish to use the format rule with CONTEXT("ViewType") function condition because otherwise the font may look bigger in other views such as detail view. You may want to restrict it only in form view or detail view as per your need.

Yesterday I tested the solution and it works. I see that Appsheet has already identified the problem, then the definitive solution will come soon. I didn't know the tip to use CONTEXT, but with this I could indeed only adjust the text size in the forms.
Thanks for thinking along and google translate ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Amy  Any insight? The solution proposed by @Suvrutt_Gurjar is the most straightforward for us but I have docens of Enum around my app

Thanks for letting me know about this! This was an unintended change and a fix is on the way.

We're working on getting better at communicating any UX/UI changes in the Release Notes, so if you see any changes like this that weren't in the Release Notes, please continue to let us know! 


Thank you. 

You are welcome. Not sure why you mention Google translate though. ๐Ÿ™‚

Guess you are using it for translating Emglish language posts?

Yes indeed, i use google translate to translate my dutch words, hihi

Oh okay. All the best with your app creation.๐Ÿ‘

Great ๐Ÿ‘

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