I need help to improve the condition of the format rule

Conditions work fine but appsheet gives me the following warnings:

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-10 131553.png

These formatting rules apply to actions in my Reception table and these are their formulas:

R. USG Completo:

LOOKUP([_THISROW], "Reporte Ecografico", "ID Recepciรณn", "Estado Reporte")="Completo"

 R. Ecocardio Completo:

LOOKUP([_THISROW], "Ecocardiografico", "ID Recepciรณn", "Estado Reporte")="Completo"


Captura de pantalla 2022-12-10 133324.png

When I run the Performance Analyzer it gives me the following recommendation:

Captura de pantalla 2022-12-10 132328.png

Any recommendations on how I can improve these expressions?
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If your UI isn't actually rendering slowly and you don't expect significant increases in data, you can probably ignore the warning as not actually applicable to your scenario.

If you want to experiment with a different approach, try a technique based on dereferencing the list of related rows that you already have. For example:

ISNOTBLANK(INTERSECT([Related Recepciรณns][Estado Reporte], LIST("Completo"))

View solution in original post


If your UI isn't actually rendering slowly and you don't expect significant increases in data, you can probably ignore the warning as not actually applicable to your scenario.

If you want to experiment with a different approach, try a technique based on dereferencing the list of related rows that you already have. For example:

ISNOTBLANK(INTERSECT([Related Recepciรณns][Estado Reporte], LIST("Completo"))

Thanks for answer so soon
I agree with the formula that you share, but in fact I am trying to avoid the virtual columns "Related whatever".
The columns [ID Recepciรณn] are enum. type ref.

I share part of the relationship between my tables



Platinum 4
Platinum 4

The use of any query function (LOOKUP()SELECT(), etc.) will prompt those warning messages, so avoid using these functions.

I achieved it using actions, the way I "solved" was to create 2 new columns in my Reception table, one for each Report ([USG completo?],[Ecocardio completo?]), to the report forms I added an action that executes when the user saves, this action executes another action in the Reception table, the executed action determines the value of my new columns, and it is these columns that I am using for the condition of the format rule

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