I want to remove "Powered by AppSheet" from mail

I want to remove "Powered by AppSheet" from mail

0 3 768

Just simply turn on ”White Lable” option




Not really that simple... White labeling brings with it a host of peculiarities. 

I've got a client that pays $30,000 a year in license fees, and they were unable to remove all instances of app sheets branding. No matter what you do, there's always something somewhere that alludes back to app sheet. You can't completely remove their branding. 

  • Emails coming from noreply@appsheet.com domain
  • No option for domain (CNAME) masking - apps are always hosted as www.appsheet.com/~~~
  • Domain authentication still requires two clicks to login, where you see the AppSheet branding page
  • Some other misc things like the ToS / Privacy policies, etc. These are pretty understandable.


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