I would like to modify the frequency of the notifications in the Contact Manager template

I would like to modify the frequency of the notifications in the Contact Manager template so that it is the selector of months instead of number of days.

I would like to do something like the Reminders theme chooser. Could I do something that was 1 month, 3 months, 1 year?


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Without knowing what you're referring to in this template, it's very hard to answer this. Maybe ask your question in more general terms. Or you might just need to change the setting of the Event in the notification Bot.

I'm sorry, maybe I didn't explain myself well. I am trying to adapt the Contact Manager template for a gym. The objective is to adapt it so that in each profile of the person that comes out I can put a "payment due date". As the template is, without changing anything, it warns when there has been no contact with that profile in "x" days. I would like that the contact frequency days selector instead of being a number of days is a full month. That is to say, I would like that the application would mark with a warning in any way with a range of a month from January 4th to February 4th for example.


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