Identifying if Product Code Exists

I am building up a product file through a form and each product is entered through a unique QR Code. What expression can I use to check that the value of the scanned QR code does not already exist in the product file table and if it does I need to prevent the record from being submitted. The field in question is [Product Code].

Thank you.

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Then you should be able to do it likeโ€ฆ [Butt Min Diameter (cm)] < ANY(SELECT(YourExistingFormulaIn InitialValue)). You should have a situation where you check the condition like number against number.

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One way is if you use that QR as a key value. Would that work?

I think that would work I will replace Record ID with Product Code as the key value.

Thank you @Aleksi

Youโ€™re welcome

@Aleksi could I ask a follow up query? In my table I have some dimension fields with initial values pulled in from a (Product File) table. I need to create a ShowIF expression on a subsequent field called [Resize] which appears if any of the [Dimension] fields drop below their inital value.

Hope this makes sense. If so any help would be great because I canโ€™t seem to get the expression correct.

What have you tried already?

This is what I think is the closest to what I need
[_THISROW].[Butt Min Diameter (cm)]<[Butt Min Diameter (cm)]

Would you please describe your table/column structure a littleโ€ฆ like what are you table names and where these columns areโ€ฆ I mean like [Butt Min Diemater], [Resize] or [Dimensions].

I have a Table called (Product_Master_File) which contains a column (among others) called [Butt Min Diameter (cm)] which is type Enum. I am using table (Operations_Master_Check) to record all the transactions for each product. In this table I am pulling in an Initial Value for [Butt Min Diameter (cm)] using a Select Function from (Product_Master_File). The field is editable by the user but if the value is changed to less than the Initial Value I need to show a subsequent field called [Resize] so I need to add in a ShowIf expression in [Reszie] if the above condition is true i.e. the value of [Butt Min Diameter (cm)] is changed to less than its initial value.

Hope this makes sense.

Then you should be able to do it likeโ€ฆ [Butt Min Diameter (cm)] < ANY(SELECT(YourExistingFormulaIn InitialValue)). You should have a situation where you check the condition like number against number.

That worked @Aleksi. Thanks a million.

Youโ€™re welcome

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