Identifying the row being edited in a form

Is there something like CONTEXT() that would identify not just the view, but the particular column being edited in a form? I need to use it in customization of system text in the UX Localize option.

I have a form with a field referencing another table. The user is supposed to create a new record in the referenced table, and AppSheet shows: New. The issue is the word “New” in another language can be feminine or masculine, and I need to avoid showing a gender mismatch in the App. Thanks!

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Oh, I haven’t noticed this before !! Well then, I guess instead of an adjective, I will think of a gender-neutral verb to use for localizing

Thanks for the nth time Suvrutt for your help, much appreciated !

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If you could elaborate your problem a bit more with maybe screenshots, the community could suggest any solution if available.

Sure… thank you…

Below screenshot is part of the form, the user is about to update the column named “Estancia”, which is a reference to another table, so he will actually create a new record in that table.

Form screenshot

In the following image below, the app is asking the user to create a new record in the Estancias table. You see that the word “New” has been replaced by its Spanish equivalent “Nuevo”.

Pop-up screenshot

I had done this replacement of “New” by “Nuevo” in the Localize section in UX where you have a list of system text, and you manually put the translation for each of them as a simple text or as a formula.

Now, the issue is this:

  • Sometimes I will need the app to show “Nueva” instead, which is the feminine form of “Nuevo”.
  • This should be based on the name of the column being edited. So if it is a new “Estancia” the App should show “Nueva”, if it is a new “Cliente” the app should show “Nuevo”.

The question is: how can I know which column (form field) is being edited? Context() will give me the view and will tell me it is a Form. I need to go a step further and identify the particular column in that view.

Thank you for all the details. Are "Etancia” and “Cliente” reference columns based on two different tables?

Yes they are…

Thank you. Yes, as per my understanding, it is currently not possible because the row level ( and hence column level) information is not available in 'localize" expressions.

Thanks But are there specific localize expressions? Can’t I use any expression in the Localize fields just as any other formula field in the app?
I just need an expression to identify the column being edited, if any.

No, in case of localize option and views display names , expression assistant clearly mentions the below warning. You can of course use any expressions but those are not evaluated in the context of a row and hence row specific column.

Oh, I haven’t noticed this before !! Well then, I guess instead of an adjective, I will think of a gender-neutral verb to use for localizing

Thanks for the nth time Suvrutt for your help, much appreciated !

You are welcome. I think the below will be a good practical workaround.

FYI, instead of “New”, I thought now of putting the equivalent of “Create” (Crear). I think it reflects the action even better…

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