If one email recipient is mistyped , no email is send to other recipients

Hi , 

I have a bot that sends an email to 3 recipients , using the 3 fields (TO , CC , BCC). The CC field has the simplest formula , [ClientEmail] . 

I have noticed and tested that if the [ClientEmail] is mistyped , the email is also not received by no recepient ( BCC is myself ). I have experimented with Mandrill , System default , but with no success. All audit logs shows Success. The "mistype" I used in my experiments was a second dot (.) before the "com" , like "email@gmail..com" . 

Any suggestions so that I can make the mails at least be sended to the other receipients?

Thank you

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Please try the below if [ClientEmail] is a single email

IF(ISBLANK(EXTRACTEMAILS([ClientEmail])), "youremail@company.com", [ClientEmail])

The above expression will send an email to yourself at  "youremail@company.com", if [ClientEmail] is mistyped or if it is correct,  it will send to the desired recipient.

If [ClientEmail] can contain a list , please try 


COUNT(EXTRACTEMAILS(TEXT([ClientEmail])))<COUNT( [ClientEmail]),  EXTRACTEMAILS(TEXT([ClientEmail])), [ClientEmail]



In this case the emails will be sent to the other emails , except the mistyped email ID.

View solution in original post


So I asked a simlar thing to support@appsheet and got no response.  my issue was the emails where in the format person@something-something.co.uk.  The issue was some but not all of the 3 emails sent where getting through.  The only thing I did that changed (but not fixed) the symptoms was changing the order of the email.  In one order only the first email went.  But in a different order the first two went.  I suspect Appsheet had an issue where it can't support 2 emails with a "-" in the domain name.

Please try the below if [ClientEmail] is a single email

IF(ISBLANK(EXTRACTEMAILS([ClientEmail])), "youremail@company.com", [ClientEmail])

The above expression will send an email to yourself at  "youremail@company.com", if [ClientEmail] is mistyped or if it is correct,  it will send to the desired recipient.

If [ClientEmail] can contain a list , please try 


COUNT(EXTRACTEMAILS(TEXT([ClientEmail])))<COUNT( [ClientEmail]),  EXTRACTEMAILS(TEXT([ClientEmail])), [ClientEmail]



In this case the emails will be sent to the other emails , except the mistyped email ID.


Thank you.

I have also played with emails order , it had strange behaviour,  also depending on pdf generating and attaching. Sometimes the pdf did not generate at all (i watched the drive cloud), besides that no email was sending.

1. I also noticed that if the mistype is in the letters of client email (single address), the mails go through to the other addresses , if there is no pdf generated and attached.

2. If there is a pdf generated and attached, sometimes it does go through sometimes it doesn't.

3. If the typo is in dots (*@gmail..com) , no email goes through , no matter is there is a pdf or not.

I think the formula suggested to check if the email is in correct format will work as long as there is no attachment , like in no. 2 , so I will try that.

The other option I have in mind is to create 3  tasks that are identical except for the TO field , in this case the mistyped ClientEmail will bug ,but the other definitive ones (mine and my assistants) will always go through. This way is not perfect, there will be 3 syncs for 3 tasks doing the same work 3 time, but I though of it.

I will come back

Thank you

Edit : I am not thinking to use you suggested ExtractEmail formula as a ValidIf constraint , to avoid basic mistyped characters . I don't think that ExteactEmail can identify an error if email doesn't exist because of letter mistypes.



Thank you @OptimiX_XcrY for all the details.

Just a note , i have suggested the EXTRACTEMAIL() formula in the TO field of the BOT.

Before suggesting, I did a basic testing in the BOTs' TO field that it omits mistyped emails. Of course the error detection accuracy will depend on EXTRACTEMAILS() function. But the function did recognize the error in the erroneous email "email@gmail..com" suggested by @OptimiX_XcrY and removed the email from the list. I did not test the full formula with IF(), but I believe it will work if basic syntax is correct.

I have tested both ways

1. as a ValidIf ISNOTBLANK(EXTRACTEMAILS([ClientEmail])) , and it successfully generates an error if email syntax is incorrect

2. as you suggested , in the CC field , and I even used as yourcompanyemail@... one of the other two field addresses , and only one email was send to that email.. that is cool to, there were no repeated emails.

Thank you very much.






Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Make sure the column types re Email. If so, AppSheet should catch the error.

It is Enum with base type email, and it didn't catch it

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