Image URL

Hello good mornig for everyone!
I don't see a way for that to work for me:

I want that simply when uploading an image in an Appsheet form, the URL of the image is inserted. And not the Google Drive address.


isnotblank([Upload of Receipt]),
"?appName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("AppName")),
"&tableName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("Table")),
"&fileName=", ENCODEURL([Upload the Receipt])),

It turns out that the result in the cell is that:

OBS.: I DO NOT GET THE NAME OF THE ARCHIVE CONCATENATED TO THE URL. I always have to edit the form once for the link to update.

QUESTION: Is there a more professional way to do that for large volumes of data? Thank you!!

Solved Solved
0 7 705

You either:

1. Create a new Action to push some meaningless data change to the record to force it to re-evaluate all App Formulas. Run that Action from the Bot.

2. Create a new Action to set the URL, with your above expression, and run that Action from the Bot.

View solution in original post


The name of the file isn't set/known until the data-change is saved. At which point, any expressions have already been evaluated on the blank/unknown value, and won't change until you force them to evaluate again.

Just the other day I set up a Bot that sends the gettablefileurl link immediately after an Add, and it evaluated correctly. So I'd suggest setting up a Bot that runs on adds/updates for this Table, that will set the URL value to the column, instead of setting it via an App Formula.

Dear Marc_Dillon Thank you very much for your time!
That's exactly what I thought. I even tried to do it. But I gave up when I couldn't activate the boot with a call to Action Open Form again and save.
Could you explain this procedure to me please?

You either:

1. Create a new Action to push some meaningless data change to the record to force it to re-evaluate all App Formulas. Run that Action from the Bot.

2. Create a new Action to set the URL, with your above expression, and run that Action from the Bot.

Thanks. It works ๐Ÿ‘

Muchas gracias mi noble Marc Dillon. Que seas muy feliz en todo en la vida!!

Did you by chance find a step-by-step guide or instructions to explain this process in detail? I would like to duplicate this URL link in the created row.

Thank you,


A step by step process would be nice

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