Image error ( triangle with exclamation point)

Currently I change the image of one view on the app. (Before Itโ€™s all work well. It have the folder on the drive, with the image on it, the link of the image put in the table collumn). But this time, I decide to change image on the user app (not on the drive). I noticed on the google drive appear new folder with exactly the name of the image folder, Itโ€™s contained the image of that I put it the user app. It work well, the images show up after I edited on the app. But what happen is that image on other parts of the app have error, ( triangle with exclamation point), Anyone know what happen ?

the way I change the image
Other view not show

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  • UX

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Phong_Lam


And also:

Furstrating when the page you link to is unavailable.


@Aurelien, triangle page not found.

check  the image path, That triangle shows that the app havent found the image.

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