Image url links


I want when uploading an image in an Appsheet, shows in Spreadsheet the URL of the image not the folder and file name in the Google Drive. 




I am using:




"?appName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("AppName")),

"&tableName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("Table")),

"&fileName=", ENCODEURL([image])),



the result:


So Spreadsheet show appname and table name but not file name

Can somebody help?

0 10 162

Is [image] the name of the column?  By the way, I don't fully understand your goal.  Are you trying to get the image to display in the spreadsheet?


I want to generate clickable url. 

Inside the app?  OK.  What about my first question? What is the name of the column to which the image is saved?

The URL is to be generated in the column containing [image] to [image link]. 

Thanks!  But it does look like you [image] column is empty.  I wonder why.

The image column is not empty. 

Thanks for your response.  I'm afraid I don't understand what the problem might be. 

Here's a URL that works:

This has an app name,  table name, and file name.  But your "result" doesn't have any of those. I think you need to figure out how to access those names in your expression.

@Kirk_Masden Thank you for your reply. But it is not working in my case. All my formula are correct still not working. 

I see.  I'm sorry to hear that.  I'm afraid I don't know what to do next.  I hope you can find a resolution.

Remove both "Context" words from expression, that worked for me, after spending a whole day wondering why it would not work

Remove what's on red



"?appName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("AppName")),

"&tableName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("Table")),

"&fileName=", ENCODEURL([Image Column])

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