Images won't show

Hi guys I have a problem that I have urls of image which stored inside google Drive

The url comes from various Google Form submission , the problem is those images one always shown.

Could anyone help me to solve this problem @Steve may able to this solving idea 💡

Thank you in advance 

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The URL should be in the format where xxxxxx is the file ID 

Display images and documents

Hi @jyothis_m ,

@jyothis_m wrote:

The URL should be in the format where xxxxxx is the file ID 

Did you find that format inside the help document? Somehow I was unable to locate it in the help article you have referred or anywhere else in the help documentation.

You are correct @Suvrutt_Gurjar the help article does not mention it now. But I clearly remember seeing it earlier in the same help article. May be its removed later.

Thank you @jyothis_m . Incidentally , I have recently requested @lizlynch  to consider including it in the documentation.

let me try then

Just FYI, the guidance for displaying an image in Google Drive has changed due to the upcoming changes described in this announcement:

Upcoming changes to third-party cookie requirements in Google Drive

The documentation has been updated in preparation for this change.


Hi @lizlynch does this mean that the drive url cannot be used after the implementation 

@lizlynch ,Thank you very much for the update.  

As @jyothis_m  mentioned, will request you to mention, the alternative method, if any to access images from Google drive or other URLs.

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