Improving clarity of explanations and consistency of terminology

I just regenerated a table and got the following kind of warning:

> Column 'A' in the 'B' sheet has been marked as read-only because it contains a formula

This is quite clear in terms of meaning but there's a minor problem.  Where do I check to see this "read-only" marking?  Of course, the answer is that when "Editable?" is false (not checked) that means the table is "marked as read-only."  This is not exactly rocket science but, nonetheless, it can be slightly confusing because the wording is different. You can click on "Learn more" if you're confused but the article you are taken to ( doesn't explain that "Editable?" is where columns are marked "read only" by being unchecked -- you're just supposed to figure that out.

Since AppSheet is supposed to be easy, I like to see a bit more of a Steve Jobs sort of mentality ("make is simpler").  This is just one example but there are quite a few aspects of the AppSheet platform where multiple ways or referring to the same thing can be observed.  I hope that  in the future consistency can be improved and clarifications (parenthetical explanations such as "read only means that 'Editable?' is unchecked") can be added.

P.S. This comment is related to the following thread:

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Btw, "read-only" is a property inside the JSON config that saves if Editable? is checked or unchecked which is not something we can access to change, so it makes sense that there should be a different naming convention so that users/editors just see stuff in ways that are accessible to them.

SkrOYC_0-1670678622325.pngYou can check this Read-only property if you take a look at one of your apps's documentation that's automatically created.

It's the same when it says that the searchable config was unchecked because it's "Hidden". Well, "Hidden" is the JSON property for a column that has Show? unchecked

This is very helpful to me.  Now I understand why this expression would be used.  I've been using AppSheet for six years and even I had forgotten about the properties we seen in the app's documentation -- which, by the way, is pretty hard to find unless you already know where to look.

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