In the app editor, the "Save" button is disabled.

While editing in the app editor, once I click the "Save" button to save, the "Save" button is disabled.
After this I can't save even if I edit in the app editor.

I reported this issue 3 days ago and received the following response from the AppSheet Support Desk:

"As I checked into your issue, it is working perfectly fine from our end. We would request you to please clear your cache memory and login again into your app. Also we would suggest you to use chrome browser for successful processing."

This point was completely incorrect.
The same issue was reproduced today.

I reported this issue, but I think it should be addressed as soon as possible, so I will report it again.

The issue is not resolved yet.
I had the same problem today.

I'm developing an AppSheet app on MacOS.
Today, both Google Workspace account and account have the same problem, the Save button is disabled after saving with the Save button.
The Chrome version of MacOS is the latest.

This unstable issue is very painful for all the app creators.
Please resolve it as soon as possible.

thank you.

Chrome on MacOS.gif

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I have been facing this issue along with lots of other issues as well since past couple of days. Sometimes it works but sometimes the save button is not there.
I am also on MacOS.

Thank you for replying, @YogeshLaddha !

This problem is still not fixed, but I have the same problem on ChromeOS in my environment.
I've edited the title and text as it doesn't seem to be a MacOS only issue.

I reported this bug to the AppSheet support desk 3 days ago. As I wrote in the text, their answers were not satisfactory.

Four hours ago, I emailed the AppSheet support desk again to report the issue. AppSheet went down after that, but the problem still persists.

The problem seems serious.

New editor layout is still preview release, so it is better to stay away as they contains bugs and bugs.


I was facing this issue sometimes in the legacy editor as well.
Though the issue is not always there. But its keep occurring sometimes.

Generally speaking, AppSheet is broken here and there in recent days and weeks, or months........

Completely agree.
I think I need to start gradually moving to other platforms. I have been so much dependent on Appsheet since last few years that it seems that If google decides to pull the plug or the state of Appsheet deteriorates further, I will be in a very bad position.

I understand what you say.

The problem is Google is not really listening to our voice from the bottom of the heart. So the same problem (apps are broken) due to change in something almost every day. This is turning to be daily event nowdays.

Lack of QA desk.  Google not using AppSheet as their own tool.

Thats about it.

I contacted the support desk for the first time since becoming a new customer support experience. However, their responses were not of satisfactory quality.

I have experience with chat support over a year ago. Mr. Sunil and Mr. Srikanth who responded at that time were very accurate.

After that, I personally faced less technical challenges, so I didn't get a chance to use the chat support. However, the existence of engineers like them was very reassuring as an app creator.

Have they already left AppSheet?

The mentality changed from โ€˜Lets fix it ASAPโ€™ to โ€˜It is what it isโ€™.

I have been frustrated with the support past many days. Not one or two the count of bugs increases every other day and they do not even take any actions on time. 

I have been too dependant on AppSheet past couple of years and Even I should think of some alternatives instead of advocating GOOGLE to my clients anymore.


They donโ€™t realise we are answerable to dozens of clients if something is broken. I can understand breaking things are part of development. But they should take action to fix those issues on time. But they donโ€™t. Thats even more depressing. I feel like more bugs and issues started after @pravse left AppSheet. Thats recently.

AppSheet was stable until a few months ago.
Since the newly added features are in preview version, I think the best solution is to stop those features and roll back to stable version.

If the new app editor is causing this problem, the development team should roll back to the legacy app editor. We don't need the features to switch between two app editors. All we want is a stable app editor.

From 2023, I feel that such problems are becoming more frequent. In particular, the app editor has been very unstable over the past month.

I think it's better to stop adding new features and return to the stable version.

Thank you for replying, @Koichi_Tsuji !

I tried switching to the legacy editor, but that didn't fix the problem.


There are some glitch on editors now.

In general, loading preview screen is slow for the last couple of days (another issue), so there is a glich generally on appsheet editor.

Pls see below.

We will release a rollout today. 

The workaround for this issue: open the emulator (right panel with the app)

Thank you for replying, @devingu  !

At this time, the status of this support case is in progress, does that mean it will be fixed after this?

@devingu wrote:

The workaround for this issue: open the emulator (right panel with the app)

I don't know if this workaround is good or not, but I hope it solves the problem permanently.

Thank you very much.

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When it's resolved we will let you know through the support ticket. You can use the support ticket reply as an official reference on if we resolve this or not.


I understand. Thank you !

You better to announce widely what sort of the issues were there and what sort of fix is released to fix the issue.

This thread should be read by less than 1 % of the app creators .

you have to act in more proactive way, to admit what sort of the failure should have happened, what sort of fix is released. And then most importantly you guys have to explain WHY those issue have happend and what is going to be a corrective actions to ensure the same issue WILL NOT happen toward the futrure.

You guys are playing the same games everyday.

Do something, which make something else to be collapsed.  Take days or weeks to find out the problems. Somtime, the issue is ingored, due to Google"s effort to close the ticket rather than valuing the voice from the users to take the feedbacks to make the services better.

When we contact with Support desk, the most likely response is "We passed the issue to Specialist, and we will revert".  TO be honest with you, 100% of Appsheet users knows there is NO Speciaist in Google in terms of Appsheet. You guys need to internally discuss about this primary issues if you guys wish to keep this excellent platform.

Sadly, you dont have any ear to listen our voice, wihch represent the voices from the suppport desks idiotical continuous responses.

Without saying much, we know who you are and the level of the skills and knowledges about your own platform.

If you continue to say "we are actively working on the issues... bra bra bra" then nothing to happen. Then it is going to destroy your reputation, as all the guys here is just ending up with dissapointment.


This could be happeinng due to the inheritated and continous culture failure in Google. You guys priortize the issues internally, rather than issues happning enternally (clients and users).

That is explaing everything.

Yu guys say here in the communinity (sometime when we are lucky) the issue is addressed by the Specialist (not sure who they are, but probably they have nil knowledgeds about appsheet that is perfecctly sure). Then the time goes by. 

No solution is given and continuous idiotical response back from the support desk.

Then we run out the patience.

We raise the voice (that I dont want to do.)  Then someome in Google respond to give us "assuarance", by saying "Dont worry we are working on it."

The worst suppor services is the promise is not making to happen.  

Google is not realize this is serious problems.  So they use alll the "ligtht words".

"Hey mate, we are working on it, and we appreciate for your patience".

I never ever trust such type of excuse........ As I know the support desk in Appsheet does not have any skill to solve any single issue.


The issue in this thread has been reported as a bug.

March 22, 2023 

I hope this issue is fixed and the app editor goes stable.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I've received email in response to my support ticket saying the problem is resolved, which i can confirm.


My status is still "in progress", but I think the issue is mostly resolved.
I confirmed it.

Thank you.

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