Initial value for a column adding the new record from an enumlist (ref)

Hi everyone
I have 2 tables, in the first I have columns with the name Organos, these columns are enumlist type with a ref to the second table, each of the columns contains a select formula in the suggested values ​​section to filter the information that is going to be to show.
The second table contains only 2 columns, one that refers to an Organ and the second is data that corresponds to that Organ.

I would like that when adding a new record to my second table (this record would be added from the enumlist columns of the form of my first table) it would have as initial value the Organ (the name of the column) to which it corresponds in my first table.

then depending on the name of the enumlist column in my first table the initial value of the Organ will be defined in the second by adding a row from the enumlist of the first table.

I hope my explanation makes sense and can be understood hahaha

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@Kabuliño wrote:

I would like that when adding a new record to my second table (this record would be added from the enumlist columns of the form of my first table) it would have as initial value the Organ (the name of the column) to which it corresponds in my first table.

This should happen automatically if you're adding the row of the second from a row of the first. For instance, if while the user is adding a row to the first table the user goes to give the Organos column a value and chooses New from the dropdown, the user should be presented with a form view for a new row of the second table with the first column pre-filled with a reference back to the row of the first table.

The reason I want to do this is because enumList doesn't let you delete options once they're added.

This is the configuration of the columns of my first table.

the columns of my first table look like thisthe columns of my first table look like thisthe reference table is my second tablethe reference table is my second tablethe formula I use to filter the information by organthe formula I use to filter the information by organ

The configuration of the columns of my second table.

The configuration of the columns of my second table.The configuration of the columns of my second table.the rest is by default

I suppose I have to put a formula in the initial value of [Organ] , something like... if column name equals Bladder then Bladder as in IFS(column name = "Vejiga", "Vejiga" ,column name = "Kidney","Kidney")

How can I refer to the name of the column of my first table from where I am generating the form for my second table?

I really could use some help


Disable Auto-complete other values:


Hi Steve

I tried the solution you gave me but no success, apparently it only works when I add the record to my second table from a view of the same table.

I feel a bit stupid because to solve it I created a table for each organ with a single column that contains the options for that specific organ all this is to have control over the enumlist field of each organ (the options to choose) in my first table . I now have 20 tables with a single column in each.


Anyway, I appreciate your time and responses, Steve.

In my opinion the conclusion is EnumList columns need the option to delete elements from the list.

Thanks for the quick reply Steve

Really? I don't see that behavior....   maybe I'm not making myself understood 

This is the form view for my first table  then I select an organ, in this case bladder(Vejiga)

form de tabla1.png

then I click on New to open my second table form

selección organo.png

This is where I want the initial value of the organ to appear, in this case the bladder(Vejiga).

form tabla 2.png

at the moment the field is Enum to facilitate the selection of the Organ


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