Input Behaviour Error

I've created a trash bin. However, when I delete data from a past date, the behavior action doesn't seem to work. But when I delete data from the current date, the behavior works fine. Any idea where I might be going wrong?



0 5 137

Hello, it's difficult to answer without all elements. Maybe your problem it's your date's type is string instead of date. Maybe you have a locale setting problem, so you compare a date with format dd/mm/yyyy with another wich have mm/dd/yyyy.


Personally, I test some code of my formula for checking if it's what I want,  as debugging way. And if it's OK, I integrate it in my formula

Hi @Vincent_P 

All my actions, behavior, and expressions are correct. When I turned on AppSheet desktop mode, the input() functions started working, and when I turned off desktop mode, some input() functions not working. Why is it like this?

The input function was recently updated to a different format and I think that update was just pushed to everyone. I can only assume that maybe the transition didn't quiet pan out across the board?

You means advance option




Hello Sirfyaad, it always seems to me a problem of "locale". 

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