Insertar valor de una tabla a otra

Hola. Tengo una tabla con una lista de obras. Cada vez que hago el click en un record tendria que actualizar uno de sus valores (CommId) en el sheet usuarios (useremail(), Commid)
El valor CommId lo utilizo en otros modulos como valor sugerido (lookup de los dos parametros). Pero no consigo actualizar el valor en Usuarios.
A pesar de tantas hora en video soy bastante nuevo en Appsheet. Gracias por ayudarme señalando las fórmulas y en qué punto debe ser insertada

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Jkbart

Welcome to the community !

Hello. I have a table with a list of works. Every time I click on a record I would have to update one of its values (CommId) in the users sheet (useremail (), Commid)
I use the CommId value in other modules as a suggested value (lookup of the two parameters). But I can’t update the value in Users.
Despite so many hours on video I am quite new to Appsheet. Thanks for helping me pointing out the formulas and at what point it should be inserted

I suggest you use a virtual column for Commid in the Users table, by taking the last input from you table of work list.
The expression to use is on this post:

For reference:

If you prefer to stick on “real column” for any reason, about this:

But I can’t update the value in Users.

You may want to check on update access in Data/Table:

The column is a real column and I have to update in the same time both USEREMAIL and the Field in the table Users and I don’t know how and where to write the action.
For to read I yet use LOOKUP.
Many tanks

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