Interactive form buttons

I am creating a log in and log out system and have two buttons on the form Log in or Log out. I want the log out button to appear when the log in button is pressed and then the log in button disappear, leaving just the log out button.

So when you enter the form you tap log in button, then when you tap on the log in it disappears and shows the log out button.

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Ok updated, solved, I put a valid if statement in so that the user cannot select the log out button!
until it sees a time in the log in column.

View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Hi Steve,

The issues I have and why i cant use two columns i.e. Log In & Log out is that when the user clicks log in i need it to save the record with the time and then reopen showing the Log out button. Once they click that it then gives a log out time as well. Show if will only work if I place in two columns and then i can only save the record once they click log out. Hope that makes sense.

Ok updated, solved, I put a valid if statement in so that the user cannot select the log out button!
until it sees a time in the log in column.

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