Introduce a short delay into a group action

Question in a nutshell

Can I make an action to incorporate into a group action that will cause a short delay (less than a second should be enough) before executing subsequent actions, such as a navigation action?


Background (reason for inquiry)
I use QuickCharts to build a chart that works well on computers and on Android devices but is problematic on iPhones.  The iPhone problem is that, when I have Behavior --> Offline/Sync --> "Store content for offline use" set to "on" the spot where the QuickChart image should appear is blank.  But, when I navigate away and return, the image is fine.  Or, alternatively, if I tap on the white space where the image should be the close-up displays properly but reverts to a white space when I close the zoom.

I've contacted support about this and was told that part of the problem is that my QuickChart URL is rather long and that I have the Behavior --> Offline/Sync --> "Store content for offline use" set to "on". For a while, I turned "Store content for offline use" off and that fixed my QuickChart issue but caused images that I would prefer to have display immediately to take a second or two to be read in each time they are shown.  I'm looking for a way to have "Store content for offline use" set to "on" but get the QuickChart display behavior I get when it is off.

I should add that the long URL for this chart is written to a table with only a couple of rows just before it is viewed.  Otherwise, if I had urls being constantly calculated and recalculated on my main table, I think it would harm the performance of the app.  When one wants to view the chart, one taps a group action that writes the URL to the sheet and then navigates to the view.  That is where I'd like to put a delay.  I'm not sure if it would work but I'm hoping that a little delay would give the app time to display the URL properly.

Finally, if you are new to QuickChart and wonder how it can be used in apps or would like to see an image and explanation of the kind of chart I have in my app, please see the following:

On more thought: My problem would be solved if the  "Store content for offline use" setting were not global but could either be done on an image by image basis or on a table by table basis.  I have images that I want to be part of the user interface, and so to appear immediately and other images that I can expect the user to wait a little for.  I wish the image storing setting didn't have to be global.



Solved Solved
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Hi @Kirk_Masden , thank you for the update. Yes, I saw your other post.

I think you may retain this post because you have anyway redirected any future reader to the new post.  Retaining this post will probably help the reader in understanding the background of the real issue better. Of course this is my personal opinion.  Please do take appropriate call as you think correct.

View solution in original post


Hi @Kirk_Masden ,

May we know how this group action is invoked? 

Thanks for your reply, @Suvrutt_Gurjar !  It may be a good idea for me to withdraw the inquiry or put it on hold.  Timing doesn't seem to be the issue.  I separated the individual actions and implemented them slowly with syncs in between them, but even that didn't fix the problem.  Please give me a little more time to think about this.  I may be able to follow up with a sample app that demonstrates the issue.

Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar !  My understanding of the issue I am facing has improved.  I now see that what I need is not a delay.  I've posted a new inquiry about the problem here:

This post is no longer relevant.  Should I go ahead and delete it?

Hi @Kirk_Masden , thank you for the update. Yes, I saw your other post.

I think you may retain this post because you have anyway redirected any future reader to the new post.  Retaining this post will probably help the reader in understanding the background of the real issue better. Of course this is my personal opinion.  Please do take appropriate call as you think correct.


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