Inventory App (sorta)

I was hoping someone could help me out. I started attempting to do this, but am struggling a bit. Here is what I am trying to do:

I work at a hair salon and am in charge of keeping the hair color fully stocked. I'd like to have an app or program where I can get on and scroll through all the colors and when i select a color, it will add it to a list. when I finished, i want it to generate a spreadsheet with the all colors I added, and how many I need to order of each.


Most Inventory management templates involve way more than I need. Is this do - able, or is there another way  that might be easier?

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One way to solve this is to have an additional [Qty] column in your "Colours" table. Then add an Inline action button to increase the amount from your "Colours" table view. Then you could have a slice where the [Qty]>0. With this way you won't need extra table for the purchase. You could generate a Bot to send the list with an email and reset the [Qty] as well.

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