Inventory management system for a non-profit organization

Hi! We are five students that will use the summer to create a solution for a non-profit organization that needs a system for inventory management. The organization has several storages with equipment for rescue operations and is in need of a system that registers what is taken in and out of the storages, and by whom. Would it be possible to make such a solution with App Sheet? 

We really appreciate any feedback or proposals!  

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Yes it's possible, but you need to think how you take care that two people are not adding INs or OUTs at the same time. If they do, the last saved wins that battle. But if that person is not the correct one, the data is then not correct.

Ja, aber beachten Sie wenn Ihre fertige Appsheet App von mehr als 10 Benutzer genutzt wird, dann nicht mehr kostenfrei ist!

Falls Sie noch keine Appsheet Entwicklererfahrungen haben, so empfehle ich erst folgendes kurzes Video anzuschauen:

Preparing your Google Sheet for AppSheet .

Habe auch gerade eine Anleitung gefunden, welches optimal auf Ihr Vorhaben zutrifft: Simple Inventory Management With Multiple Store -Part 1 . Diese Anleitung kรถnnte Ihre Basis sein, um die App nach Ihren Bedรผrfnissen zu erweitern.

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