Inventory template: Can I make a form that updates two different tables?

I am using the inventory template to manage some inventory. We have a central warehouse that holds our main stock and then individual stores that will order from that stock. It would be awesome if we could create a view that allows someone to enter an order for multiple items at once and have that entry add inventory to the store thats ordering it and subtract from the inventory of the central warehouse. Do folks know if that would be possible and if so what that might look like in the big picture?

Thanks in advance!

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You can update 2 tables at once using automations, but my worry would be concurrent users, I would recommend a system where the store will make a request but it will come to a warehouse user like you to approve the request. That way 2 users won't be able to request at the same time and mess up the calculations.

Not sure how well this will work (you'll have to test it out) but,

When you approve a request set a bot to trigger on edits only with a condition like: AND([_thisrow.before].[Approval]<>"True",[_thisrow.after].[Approval]="True"),

then set the step to update the data in your inventory table using 'Run a data action' step type ? 


This is only a rough idea it might workout for you it might not, I'm not that much of an expert here either ๐Ÿ™‚

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