Invoke an action using the API...Issue

Hello, I am trying to invoke an action using the API through an URL. I have can successfully complete this process but only once per row per table, If I try to re-run the the same post it fails. If I enter a new key into the body of the post it runs successfully. Any idea what the problem may be?

This is the fail message
โ€œHasWarningโ€: false,
โ€œReturnedFromCacheโ€: false,
โ€œDisconnectDetectedโ€: false,
โ€œRowValuesโ€: null,
โ€œSuccessโ€: false,
โ€œErrorDescriptionโ€: null,
โ€œTimestampโ€: โ€œ2019-05-09T15:25:00.0808526Zโ€,
โ€œBackendVersionโ€: 5.1,
โ€œRequiredIOSAppVersionโ€: 4.3,
โ€œRequiredAndroidAppVersionโ€: 3


0 2 376

I can investigate if you provide:

  1. Your account id
  2. The application name
  3. The exact timestamp of the failing Audit History record.

I have emailed you the info


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