Is it best to create formula calculations in the app builder or in the spreadsheet or does it matter?

Hi, I’m brand new to AppSheet!

Where is it best to create calculation formulas? App vs spreadsheet? I think I read in the help that all calculations are best done in the App. Although, on many of the Sample apps, I notice calculations are done inline in the spreadsheet. I did a search and found this answer (i.e. best to do in the app builder). I’d like to start off on the right foot.

I’m building a CRM that has site inspection and Quote/Proposal features. Not sure how to link it here for review. Still a newb.

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It depends If you don’t need dynamic calculations form other tables, the best way is to calculate in the app. Then you don’t need to wait those calculations in the spreadsheet. The calculations made with app formulas are calculated when you open & save the record. When syncing the app, your app doesn’t need to wait any calcualtions from the spreadsheet.

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