Is it possible to build a stress-test app?

With market pressures like interest rate hikes and cost of living issues impacting most people, I wonder if it is possible to create a stress-test app? This is not for stressing the AppSheet app.

For example stress-test an interest rate hike that will dynamically show the impact on any loans?

The requirement would be to have a single _Form or _Detail view with quick-edit for the interest rate field or whatever parameter is being stressed.  Changing this value dynamically changes the loan payments across multiple loan records. Using virtual columns  in the loan record to recalculate the figures on its own doesn't work.

Aim is for: a single stress-test record can impact multiple 'loan' records.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.🤔

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@Harriswe wrote:

Using virtual columns  in the loan record to recalculate the figures on its own doesn't work.


Besides it may take a few seconds for the VCs to update after corresponding parameters are changed, what does not work here?

HI @TeeSee1  the problem appears to be triggering the update of the loan-records where the VCs are to recalculate the formulas based on the stress-test parameters, then refreshing the graphs.  The screenshot below may help illustrate.

Screenshot 2022-11-22 at 17.42.18.png

For example: 

Changing the stress valuation parameter should automatically be reflected in the top right-hand-corner graph called: Finances Valuation. This shows a simple comparison between existing valuations and the drop or increase in valuations. This has a bearing on the loan-to-value figure, which is significant if someone is attempting to refinance a loan secured by an asset.

After a change on the stress valuation parameter and after the synch, I have to click full-screen for the graph values to appear changed. I know I have seen something similar before that dynamically changed a graph... I cannot think where. 🤔


Not sure what you have but updates are automatic though kinda sluggish as expected... 

@TeeSee1 many thanks that looks great. Any chance you can share or screenshot behind the scenes?  As long as it refreshes automatically it does not have to be super-fast. 👍

I have done absolutely nothing special.

The Details view is off a table having two rows - user &  value (user so that each user gets their own value). Quick edit is enabled.

The VC is created by using that value (LOOKUP(value) * [some column]).

That is all...

Many thanks @TeeSee1  I did get it working although like you say it is a bit sluggish. I will check it out again later today. Thank you. 🙏

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