Is it possible to change type of a cell when adding ?

Hi all,

Sorry for the confusing subject name.

I have 2 table, one is the Database, one is the Purchase. In the Database, I have a list of names of products. Now when I add the new data to Purchase, it will require name. I set a selection: the user will select if the product was in the database or not manually. If it is set to True, the type of input for name in Purchase will be Ref to the name list in the Database, otherwise, the type will be Text for user to fill in.

Please help me with this problem, thank you all 

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Hi man, well I believe you need a dependent dropdown.

Check this documentation, I believe you`ll find what you need.

No you cannot. Instead use two different fields and control which one to show in your form and other views based on the user's selection.

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