Is it possible to gather the multiple sentences of a child table by newline?

There are a parent table(VOCABULARY) and a child table(SENTENCE).


VOCABULARY table has these columns:

ID                                    primary key

word                               name

Related sentences      virtual column       REF_ROWS("sentence", "vocabularyID")

gatherSentence           virtual column       LongText



SENTENCE table has these columns:

ID                                 primary key

sentence                    LongText

vocabularyID             foreign key



I tried this.  VOCABULARY table's formula is like this.


AND the result is like this. Detail view of VOCABULARY table.




◼︎ But I want to gather SENTENCE table's sentence column like this by newline.

This is a first sentence.


This is a second sentence.


This is a third sentence.


Not this.

This is a first sentence., This is a second sentence., This is a third sentence.


Is it possible?






Solved Solved
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Yes, it is possible.

  1. Make sure "Preview New Features" option is enabled in your app. 
  2. Keep the type of your "gatherSentence" column as LongTextIn the column Type Details - Formatting, choose: HTML.

  3. Use the following App Formula:

    SUBSTITUTE([Related Sentences][sentence], ",", "<br>")


Please note that [sentence] cannot contain commas.

View solution in original post


Yes, it is possible.

  1. Make sure "Preview New Features" option is enabled in your app. 
  2. Keep the type of your "gatherSentence" column as LongTextIn the column Type Details - Formatting, choose: HTML.

  3. Use the following App Formula:

    SUBSTITUTE([Related Sentences][sentence], ",", "<br>")


Please note that [sentence] cannot contain commas.

I've been using HTML in my app a lot.  It's very useful.

It's good. Thank  @Joseph_Seddik a lot.

Although no commas is 😓, it is very helpful to me.

B would be one option for comma than A.

(B has a blank before and after comma)


A : SUBSTITUTE([Related Sentences][sentence], ",", "<br>")

B : SUBSTITUTE([Related Sentences][sentence], " , ", "<br>")

Well done 🙂

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