Is it possible to repeat the value of a column on another table after selecting a Ref Value?

I have two tables: CLIENTS and JOBS.

In Table “CLIENTS” I have among other columns:

IDClient = Key
ClientName = Virtual Column (First Name + Last Name) / Label.
ClientCode = TXT

In Table “JOBS” I have among other columns:
IDJob = Key
IDClient = Ref
ClientName = TXT
ClientCode = TXT

I am trying to set up a form to collect the jobs information in the JOBS table.

1- How can I copy CLIENT.Name to JOBS.ClientName when selecting IDClient in the form?
2- Same for ClientCode.

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Thank you for your response.

However, in my case I am starting with a data file that is existing.

In the data set the jobs are identified by a Job Number with the following format:

2k->region (Can not change)
YY->Year job started.
###-> consecutive number (Restart as 001 on Jan 1st every year).

So I added a column ID = Unique() to the table, but I still need to create the job Number using appsheet to be compatible with the rest of the data.

The problem:

I do not know how to get Apsheet to create the code for each new job that is added using the format

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