Is there a way to create a new record *AND SAVE IT* using a deep link URL without user interaction?


I have an App where I'd like to automate searching for an NFC tag simply by the user touching phone to an NFC tag.  IF THE ITEM DOESN'T EXIST THEN A RECORD IS AUTOMATICALLY CREATED

  • without any interaction with the phone at all in order to get the search results displayed (not even a click of "Save")
  • without the need that Appsheet was running
  • IF the search results are empty then an item is automatically created using fields extracted from the URL on the chip


The only way I can think of to deliver this functionality is

What I'm expecting is 

  • Appsheet starts (because that's what the link does)
  • The Search form is filled (because that's what defaults do)
  • The form saves (because of the autosave above and the fact that all fields are completely filled)
  • A record is created
  • I automate a search action to search for an item when this record is created
  • I automate a creation of a record if the search yields NO results

What it does is

  • Appsheet starts (OK)
  • The Search form is filled (OK)
  • The form doesn't save automatically.  (even though the autosave should do that. 

This means I can't automate the search process without user input. and I can't automate the automatic creation.

  • gefaila_1-1650965906967.png


What I need is a deep link such that a record is created *AND SAVED* without any user input. 

I scoured the Appsheet Q&A and the answer isn't included in 

Any ideas?

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Not possible.

Is it possible to trigger an event directly using a URL?  Then all kinds of automation could ensue?

You could certainly create your own api to make a change to your database using an url call. If I was in your situation I would probably make an Azure Function App to apply your required business logic. If you wanted to stay in the low code space and your database is stored in Google Sheets, maybe you could make a Google Apps Script to either take a user to an Appsheet link or create a new record in the Google sheet and then take the user to the Appsheet link.

Oh dear.  That's not very "can-do" @Steve 


In that case is it possible to trigger the add using API using a https:// link that adds (POSTS) a record?
There must be a solution that get's me close.  It's surely just a question of ingenuity.

And may I ask why this is fundamentally not possible.  Is that intentionally made impossible because it would lead to bad things?

It's pretty cool that you can start an Appsheet app using an NFC tag! 

I think the limitation comes from the fact that there is no NFC-based trigger for Appsheet automation. 

Do you have to capture the search info users submit as a new record to a table? Or could you apply the search info as a url parameter using the in-app filter? Something like this:


Here is the announcement for in-app filters:

This is genius ...
But one question about the link

Where did you generate this code from?  And where are useful features for encoding URLs documented.  For example where is it documented that you can do &userfilters= in a URL?

Is there a full documentation of everything you can do with URLs with all the possibilites?

I don't know if there is full documentation with how urls are created when using an in-app filter. I just went to a template app that AppSheet provides and applied an in-app filter.

Here is where you can view the app:


This was the page I applied my search:


Users can customize their own in-app filter by clicking this icon:


And I've had a think about the second bit of genius with your reply.  
You point out the root cause of the issue.

@KingsGuava wrote:

I think the limitation comes from the fact that there is no NFC-based trigger for Appsheet automation. 

That's exactly right.

Do you think that this would be valuable?

I think this feature would be super valuable! If there isn't already a feature request please create one and you'll get my vote ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Since Appsheet is a low code platform that excels as in mobile development I think it would make sense for mobile-based features to be prioritized. There are a dozen of low code platforms that excel in web development so this could be another feature to set Appsheet ahead of the pack.

If you want to show a filtered view, why don't you use the right tool for the job?


My only concern with LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() is that I don't think users can "unfilter" the view. By passing the in-app filter conditions, users can remove or add as they see fit.

Yes but he needs a link to a view that's filtered with no interaction with the app, so it's the right tool.

For sure we can make better or bigger filtered views with dynamic dashboards and more

You are right that the filter will do what I asked....

And for me the search URL is the best tool and better than LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() because I can encode that url on the NFC chip.

However, (sorry to frustrate you) ... there is a reason why it doesn't quite do what I need ...

I need to update the first post....

It should read:

I have an App where I'd like to automate searching for an NFC tag simply by the user touching phone to an NFC tag.  IF THE ITEM DOESN'T EXIST THEN A RECORD IS AUTOMATICALLY CREATED

  • without any interaction with the phone at all in order to get the search results displayed (not even a click of "Save")
  • without the need that Appsheet was running
  • IF the search results are empty then an item is automatically created using fields extracted from the URL on the chip




  • Appsheet is set to automatically save the record when all fields are filled, and 
  • the URL fills all fields, 

it would be logical to expect that the record is saved. Yet it is not.


Two questions that you may be able to illuminate @SkrOYC  or @Steve 

  1. do you know why the record does not get automatically saved in this instance? 
  2. Is it intentional that a record does not get saved in the specific instance where (all) the correct fields are filled by URL?

AppSheet does not work this way. Badgering us isn't going to change it.

I accept the reprimand, and sorry for badgering.

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