Is there anyway to tweak and make Google Drive sync the same way as Dropbox?

Hi all,

When I am creating a BOT, my dream was to be able to save PDF files directly to Dropbox.
With inspiration from this forum, I found that it could be possible if data source is Dropbox.
I created a new test app with dropbox as datasource, but files are still saved in Google.

I guess it's because either this, or that my account itself is created within Google? (I thought the datasource could be enough, but I guess I am wrong here?)


So, since the above seems not possible for me, I am back to use google as datasource.

My question is:
If I install Google Drive on a pc, is there any chance it can be tweaked somehow (or something from within appsheet) to make the sync happen instantly like dropbox?

Few years ago I read something about Dropbox is using a method called 'Blockchain' I think, which is why sync happens INSTANT.  The moment a file is uploaded or stored in Dropbox cloud, within miliseconds the same file is shown in Dropbox installed on the pc.

With Google Drive, it varies from 10-60 seconds before file from Google cloud is visible in Google Drive on the pc.

I really need this sync to happen instantly.

If you have ANY suggestions on how I could achieve this, I would be super happy 🙂

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Okay I managed to get it work - But I am not happy with the way it works 😛

As silly as it sounds, no matter what I did, it continued to save under my Google Drive. All possible places where I could add or change to Dropbox datasource I did, but without any luck.

Back in time when I created my appsheet account, it was under 'Google'.. Meaning, when you click Sign up to Appsheet, you can choose between a list of providers.

I ended up by logging out of my account, clicked Sign up, and chose Dropbox, still with the same email as for the Google. And now it works. It saves PDFs files directly to dropbox.. WTF..

Why dont I like this? Because this is a new account with no apps, except from the one I just created.
It's crazy stupid that I manage apps from 2 different logins now. Or.. I mean... all of the apps is managed from the Google account, and then only this single app under the 'Dropbox' account for appsheet.

I really REALLY hope this is being fixed some day in the future 🙂

View solution in original post


Hey man,

you shouldnt't make your app rely on this.
Why not present a link to the new file (on Google Drive) IN APP, so users can instantly open or download the file inside the App?



HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("AppName")), "&tableName=", ENCODEURL("WhateverYourTableNameIs"), "&fileName=", ENCODEURL(CONCATENATE("QUOTE ", [Quote-No], " V", [Version], ".pdf"))), CONCATENATE("QUOTE ", [Quote-No], " V", [Version], ".pdf"))



PS. DropBox is way more insecure than Google Drive


The app is a parking app for drivers. 

When they submit the form, the PDF file is automatically printed for the drivers. It requires no handling from our side. 


Right now I do all this with apps script in my Google sheet. One of the scripts is moving the PDF file to dropbox. 

But it is a shitty solution. I wanna do eveything within appsheet now. It can save me from all these scripts that potentionally could fail.

That is why I am eager to save PDFs directly to dropbox.

Dosent matter about security. There is no sensitive or personal info. 




I still don't understand why you don't add a new dropbox datasource under the Data Tab? 😆

Because like I tried to explain in the first post, the PDF files are still saved in Google drive even though I tried to create a brand new app beginning with Dropbox as the datasource. 
I also inserted the image which I tried to ask if that could be the reason? That I need to have enterprise plan to be able to save files in dropbox.

What happens when I use dropbox as datasource is that my excel sheet is working fine and updated correctly in dropbox. But as soon as I create the BOT to generate PDF files, it saves in Google. And I guess that happens due to the photo I added.

As you can see here, I can only COPY datasource. Ofcourse I tried that, but it still dosent make the PDF files save in dropbox. They save in Google.
Screenshot 2024-01-06 170434.png

Therefor I tried creating a new app starting with Dropbox as Datasource, but still the same. PDF files saves in Google. Not the data from the form, it saves fine in Dropbox.

@Surdusvacca wrote:

What happens when I use dropbox as datasource is that my excel sheet is working fine and updated correctly in dropbox. But as soon as I create the BOT to generate PDF files, it saves in Google. And I guess that happens due to the photo I added.

 The AppSheet Help File says otherwise 😆

"If the Excel worksheet resides on Dropbox, the image and file data will be stored in a folder that is collocated with the Excel worksheet on Dropbox."

Okay I managed to get it work - But I am not happy with the way it works 😛

As silly as it sounds, no matter what I did, it continued to save under my Google Drive. All possible places where I could add or change to Dropbox datasource I did, but without any luck.

Back in time when I created my appsheet account, it was under 'Google'.. Meaning, when you click Sign up to Appsheet, you can choose between a list of providers.

I ended up by logging out of my account, clicked Sign up, and chose Dropbox, still with the same email as for the Google. And now it works. It saves PDFs files directly to dropbox.. WTF..

Why dont I like this? Because this is a new account with no apps, except from the one I just created.
It's crazy stupid that I manage apps from 2 different logins now. Or.. I mean... all of the apps is managed from the Google account, and then only this single app under the 'Dropbox' account for appsheet.

I really REALLY hope this is being fixed some day in the future 🙂

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