Is this a bug problem? Unable to set XY point for the next image uploaded into application

Hi everyone,


I have made a table (Table name: Mechanical 4)  where users are able to upload any images and this table serves as a reference to another table (Table name: Mechanical). In (table: Mechanical), users are able to select the uploaded image (from table: Mechanical 4) and afterwards place their XY point on the selected image.


I uploaded one image into the table: Mechanical 4 and was able to display an image at table: Mechanical and then allows me to set XY point on the selected image. When I uploaded another image in the the table: Mechanical 4, now it displays selections of 2 images in the table: Mechanical.


However, once there are 2 images to choose from under table: Mechanical, I could no longer set XY point on any of the 2 images. Is this a bug problem? Attachments as following: 


1 image uploaded in Mechanical 41 image uploaded in Mechanical 4







(Only 1 image uploaded and it gives me the option to set XY points on the image)



After uploading another image in the table: Mechanical 4 (key table),

2 maps.PNG

(Table: Mechanical 4)



I could no longer set XY point for any of the 2 images in table: Mechanical (ref table)

no point.PNG

(Table: Mechanical 1, which is suppose to allow me to choose XY point under the floorplan now shows up as text box and not an image for me to drop points)



Can anyone assist me with this matter? Thank you!

Solved Solved
0 8 189

Thank you. Please try expression [FloorPlan].[Floorplan] in the [Point of Defect Location] column's "Background Image for the XY Coordinates" setting.

View solution in original post


Hi @Justlookinghere ,

Since this is basically a question, may I request you to ask such questions in the "Q&A" section next time onwards. Have requested moderator to move this post to "Q&A" section.

Apologies for posting on the wrong section, will take note of this.

Could you update what expression you are using and in which setting in the of the XY column of the table Mechanical that pulls images from the table Mechanical 4

As for the XY column in table Mechanical

background for xy.PNG

I referenced the Floorplan column in the table Mechanical to Mechanical 4

source to mech 4.PNG



This is the setting in my table Mechanical 4

map uploader setting.PNG

No problem absolutely.  We all err, when we are new to a platform. This community platform is new for all of us.

Thank you. Please try expression [FloorPlan].[Floorplan] in the [Point of Defect Location] column's "Background Image for the XY Coordinates" setting.

Thanks a lot for your help! It worked.

Please take a look at the dereference expressions article. Dereference expressions  help to to pull other columns (than reference column) from the referenced table.


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