Whats the rough HTML syntax for opening a deeplink like LINKTOFORM("Other New Order", "Store", "Main Warehouse", "Type", "Wholesale", "MyOtherApp-123") via HTML?  Tried looking through Q&A and the help files but there's nothing specific.

The use case is as follows.  The client runs a training company.  But they now want their clients to be able to book people onto themeselves.  So I've created a public app that I need to create a link to from the main app.  So that their clients get an email with a URL that when they click it, it takes them to the form view to all a person to a course.

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Thanks @Marc_Dillon that helped a lot.  I've got it 98% working.  But I'm not going to mark is as accepted yet as I want to refer appsheet to this post to look into a couple of bugs.  Also I'd like any input from anyone else that might have seen similar issues @SkrOYC @MultiTech @Steve @dbaum @GreenFlux 

The first issue I've kinda fixed.  The link to the other app would work fine and the correct fields would populate.  But then 3sec later it would do this

Screenshot from 2023-04-24 18-40-42.png

Sort of fixed this by turning off "Desktop Preview Mode" in the desination App.  But this is clearly a bug.

Next I noticed 2 x Show columns were just shoing up as text boxes in the destination App.  Eventually noticed that LINKTOFORM() via URL sends the App user to v1.05 whereas the latest version is actually v1.10 ๐Ÿ˜• So... no idea why this is or how to fix it.  Not on enterprise so cant set a stable version or anything.

Looks like their is some 10-15min delay between creating a new version on the desination app and it showing correctly in a LinkToForm() via URL.  As its just suddenly started working.  ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Try with:


    "", <!-- MyOtherApp-123's UUID-->
      "Other New Order",
      "Main Warehouse",
  "Meaningful Name for the URL"


You could replace the deeplink expression with any other one btw 

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