LINKTOPARENTVIEW with forced sync stopped working

I was using this expression in a Navigation Action for quite a long time. Now I recognized that it stopped working.


This action is the form saved event in a form that I use in the menu. By saving this form, the Action will sync and navigate to the ParentView.

This was working fine. Now it syncs, but will navigate to page=fastTable&view=_PARENTVIEW
You can see this in the Browser's URL:
fastTable does not exist, so it navigates to the view that is set in UX > Options > General > Starting view.
The Browser's URL will change after the sync to the starting view.

I tried different ways to construct the expression. But with no success.

I can use just LINKTOPARENTVIEW(). This will navigate to the ParentView. So it seems that the combination ParentView + forced sync is broken.
Edit: In another App I also saw that LINKTOPARENTVIEW() is not always working fine. Maybe there is a general issue with it?

This is my App: KMQualityGate-622224
View: Einstellungen. Action: Sync LINKTOPARENTVIEW
But it's also not working in another app where I tested it.
I sent a bug report also to

BTW: LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW()&"&at="&ENCODEURL(NOW()+1) is still working.

Edit: In the Form View we can set the "Finish View". But this does not change the behavior as explained above. The Finish View will be ignored and it opens the view that is set in UX > Options > General > Starting view.

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Can you try making this a two step grouped action?

One action would be the LINKTOPARENTVIEW() and the other the Force Sync one, with a target similar to: 




Then you use the Grouped Action inside the Form Save

Thank you @SkrOYC for this idea. But you can't. Because a navigation action will always stop the sequence, A navigation action must always be the last step in a sequence.
So this Grouped Action will only apply the LINKTOPARENTVIEW(), but not the sync.

But I gave it a try and found one more unexpected behavior:
When I put this grouped Action in a detail view it behaves as expected: It opens the Parentview. No sync.
But when I put this grouped Action in the form's save event, it will sync and open the form again. Meaning: This time the LINKTOPARENTVIEW() will be omitted and only the forced sync will happen. 

Thanks for taking the time to test it @Fabian_Weller 

I'll also check on my side since this is quite interesting

I saw something similar in one of the videos of @MultiTech but it's a little different than your Linktoparentview() formula.  It's  &"&at="&(NOW()+1)

See this:  How to Force a Sync || AppSheet Explained 

Yes, he is encoding the (NOW()+1) part, but it's the same thing. Idk if encoding it make any difference actually

Hi @JPAlpano Your are right. That's why I also tried
(See my first post)

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