Limiting number of rows shown in tables within a non-interactive Dashboard view

Hello AppSheet people!

I’ve got a Dashboard view that is showing(inline) ALL of the records within each of the included tables rather than a limited number of the records. I want it to show 5 records (which is the number I have set for default detail setting), and then click in to see them all.

I have searched and found a bunch about how to limit the number of rows in tables within the detail view, which seems to be straight forward. I also saw that this type of functionality is limited as it pertains to Deck views.

I cannot seem to find anything about limiting the number of table rows shown in this view style.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance for your help!

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This inconsistent. Dashboard views do not have inline tables.

Yes, but you CAN have table views within a Dashboard view.

What I meant is: on my Dashboard view, there are several tables shown in a vertical manner (similarly to how they would show in a detail view if the same tables were inline).

The difference that I am pointing out is that these tables are showing each and every record, when I want them to behave like the inline tables that I use in detail views, showing a maximum number of rows, which I have designated as 5.

Thanks for the reply.

Dashboards have no means to limit the number of rows. You’d have to setup a slice for each table that limits the number of rows, put views atop those slices, and display the slices in the dashboard.

I don’t believe there is a way to limit from slice without also limiting the whole dataset?

Are you saying to have an Additional slice&view, and then create behavior that would point back to the Whole table, instead of the table slice&view used for the Dashboard? If so, what would you suggest using for the slice expression to grab the top 5 records from the table to include in the slice?

I would suggest not doing what you’re trying to do.

Hmm, okay. Would you mind elaborating some as to why you make That suggestion? You seemed to indicate earlier that it was in fact doable. This method would be very useful for me.

I appreciate the fact that you shared your time with me. However, I was unsure about your claim that Dashboard views have no means to limit the number of rows shown, though, as I was fairly certain that when I initially set up this view, they were in fact abbreviated in the same manner that the inline table views within a detail views are. You’re clearly much more experienced with AppSheet functionality than I am, however I’ve built a custom sales app with multiple users and I reached out to one of them to ask if they remember it being that way during his Daily use, of which he said he did remember it that way and thought he noticed a change there recently, but said nothing because my plan with AppSheet doesn’t allow for stable version, thus all updates are live.

The whole reason I ended up looking it up was because the view didn’t function correctly for me any longer. When I could find nothing on this particular issue, I assumed I was missing something, since many other similar problems had been addressed in the forums (although often, there were no solutions, and it is unclear whether AppSheet intends to address them, as far as can be determined by reading through those related threads).

Obviously, there is a chance that neither of us are remembering correctly, and you seemed very sure of your statement, but I wanted to say anyway that we thought it was as we wanted it already once before. Are you 100% certain that there is no way?

Thanks for the help.

Because it’s complex.

It is.

Nope, they weren’t. If your dashboard includes more than a single view, each view will be resized to allow the others to be displayed, thereby “abbreviating” each.

Unless we aren’t talking about the same thing. If you can provide a screenshot of the previous behavior, we can consider how to recreate it.

AppSheet–with unfortunate frequency–changes existing behavior with no advanced notice, often with little acknowledgement, and nearly as often with little or no followup or support for adversely-affected app creators. My impression is this is considered normal and expected for modern-day internet and app development. I believe the term for this development lifecycle is “continuous delivery”. I’m not a fan.

I don’t mind trying something complex. If you’ll tell me how you think it can be done, I’ll give it a try.

I’ve read through much of the documentation available for a variety of different topics (many of which were posted by yourself) and have never seen anything on this in particular. If something were out there, complex or not, I’d take a whack at it.

How are these two things different? I DO have more than one view within my Dashboard view, and none of them are being abbreviated.

(below)The “Open Notes” views are deck views, and all of the others are table views. Basically my Dashboard view is an unreasonably long slew of tables with some deck views inserted between. If it is supposed to abbreviate them automatically as you are saying, that makes me think that they WERE that way before, but are acting differently now somehow. To clarify further, when viewing in mobile phone view (which is basically the only way this is intended to be used for this app), they are not abbreviated. If I look at this Dashboard in tablet or desktop modes, all of the views are abbreviated as you are saying.

Yeah, this can definitely be frustrating at times, although I’ve managed to figure out a way to do most of what I’ve needed to do so far by digging through the documentation and watching YouTube videos(which tend to me outdated also unfortunately). I agree, that some explanation would be very helpful for AppSheet creators. This may be normal for standard app development, but is that what AppSheet is? I look at this service as a method of building apps for those who are less experienced at the task.

Thanks again for your help.

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