Link to View in app not working, help please?

I have a source sheet with a menu tab as below


In App Sheet, I've setup an action to say "Linktoview([Location])" and then set the Behaviour to be [Type]=View. I have also added this to the ordered list of actions that fall under "Menu" view. When I click on the "Call Offs" Icon is does not take me to that view and just shows a white screen within app sheet. Any suggestions please?

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Finally figured it out, the data type for the field "view" I had set to URL rather than text, this was causing the issue!

View solution in original post


@Motowez wrote:

When I click on the "Call Offs" Icon is does not take me to that view and just shows a white screen within app sheet. Any suggestions please?

Most times a white screen means that the name you have provided doesn't exist.  Make sure that you have a view named "Call Offs"  and that you are using the EXACT SAME SPELLING of that view name.


Ok thanks, it definitely is named exactly the same as if I link the action to linktoview("Call Offs") it works, just not when it's pulling it from the field in my source sheet. Does it being a reference view make any difference?

Finally figured it out, the data type for the field "view" I had set to URL rather than text, this was causing the issue!

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