Linktoview based on row text selection


I'm looking to create a Linktoview that pulls the target view based on a selection from a card list.

So I have a UX set up with a list of parts. I also have a tab + inline table + form for each part where the user would add or modify part values specific to that part (location, part specs, inventory etc.)

 When the user selects one of the items on the initial list, it should take that selection value text and use it in the Linktoview([Link]) to bring the user to the view of that part tab. I can easily set it up to pull one view via LinktoView("Roller") for example, but looking for the Roller value to be dependant on their choice on the card value/title

Probably a simple question but I'm having a lot of trouble finding the solution!


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Welcome to the community!

I understand that you have an Enum column where app user can select one of its values.

Did you try this? 

LINKTOVIEW([Enum column name])

View solution in original post


Welcome to the community!

I understand that you have an Enum column where app user can select one of its values.

Did you try this? 

LINKTOVIEW([Enum column name])

Hi Joseph,

Is it possible to Triger + open a form located on different table using a button?


A column name irregularity. Want to open a form from different table when i press button which gives value to column as "damaged".

Press the Damaged button and open a form from different table. 

Definitely doable.

LINKTOFORM() - AppSheet Help

Dear Steve,

Thanks for your reply.

I am trying to open a form from another table (let say B) depending on value of a column in table A.
Where i need to put the formula in action i created?

Create an action of type App: go to another view within this app. The LINKTOFORM() expression goes in the action's Target setting.

Dear Steve,

Thanks for your help.

It is working used way you described above but this is not i wanted to do. It is an action button to trigger an action. I don't want to have additional action button in record. 

The way i am trying to do is deepens a value in cell of table. Example; If a cell equals let say "test", open new form, allow user to fill it and go back to the first form and keep adding something else.

Start to fill form 1

Go to form 2 deepens  of cell value in form 1
Fill the form 2, save it and go back to the form to keep add other details related with form 1.

Is that possible?
The value in form 1 (deepens value) is adding by button as enum type

I'm afraid actions cannot be used within a form view.

That did it! Thank you so much!

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