List Dereference Automated Sequential Number

Hi, I require something very simple, I have a dereference list, with repeated events.
Im recording Drone operations. The first value record de the date, location, etc of the event.
And there is a dereference list, recording the time of each flight.
Im looking for an expression for a column filled automatically with sequential numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4โ€ฆ etc. starting from the first flight, as 1. Appsheet sort each event in the dereference list, according the time of creation, But I can not figure out the expression in how to fill a new column printing the sequence number. Thanks in advance!

0 10 223

I see two things here. One is about sequential. Another is about sort order.



Thank you SkrOYC.
Since is a dereferred list, i guess the danger with serial numbers could be avoided, since there is a uniqueID, that relates the record of two different users.
I still can not figure out how to generate the expression in this case, because, for each new record, the serial number should restart in the value 1.

โ€œNewโ€ in the context of the values inside the Inline View?
I mean, there are going to be multiple 1, 2, 3 but for diferent [Related something], right?

Right, there are going to be multiple 1, 2, 3 but for different related ID

Tell us the column name of the Ref column that holds the key value of the parent table and Iโ€™ll post an expression to you
Also the table name of the child records and itโ€™s Key column

So kind from you!

โ€œcolumn name of the Ref column that holds the key value of the parent tableโ€: [Id Servicio]
โ€œtable name of the child recordsโ€: [Vuelos]
Key column of [Vuelos]: [_RowNumber]

Thanks a lot for your responses

Veo que hablas espaรฑol.
Antes de postear alguna fรณrmula, creo que deberรญas chequear tu configuraciรณn.
Usar [_RowNumber] como key es una pรฉsima idea que te provocarรก problemas.
En general, siempre crea una columna fรญsicamente en tus tablas (generalmente al inicio, la primera columna) y configura dentro de AppSheet que su Initial Value sea UNIQUEID()

Esta es la fรณrmula que debe ir como Initial Value en la columna que necesitas que tenga un nรบmero secuencial


Funcionรณ perfecto Oscar!!! fino!!
un abrazooo muchas mil gracias

Recuerda arreglar lo antes que puedas lo de la llave.
Te dejo info al respecto:

Siii muchas gracias!!

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