List only two days

I want to be able to show a today date and a yesterday date. How do i make a formula for this.

I have tried [Date Completed]=TODAY() and can get the today date, but I want Yesterday date too
I have tried [Date Completed]=<TODAY() and can get the yesterday date.
But i’m unable to get Today Date & Yesterday date together. Any suggestions?

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Hi, What about [Date Completed]>=TODAY()-2

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Try OR([Date Completed]=TODAY(),[Date Completed]=TODAY()-1)

This one i tried and it didn’t like the -1, and thank you so much for your response all help is appreciated

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


IN([Date Completed], LIST(TODAY(), (TODAY() - 1)))

Thank You Steve it works. Woo Hoo

Oops spoke too soon. it still list all the past dates. this is the same problem i keep getting. its either one day shows up great. or all dates show up. I cant seem to figure out how to make it only show 2 days

Where are you trying to use this expression?

Row Filter condition in slice. i tried [Date Completed]=<Today() and this one gives me yesterday date, and i tried [Date Completed]=Today() and this one gives me todays date
and i tried IFS([Date Completed=<Today(),[Date Completed]=Today()) it gives me all dates. It is a crazy puzzle. I even used AND, OR, still no luck

Row Filter condition in slice. i tried [Date Completed]=<Today() and this one gives me yesterday date, and i tried [Date Completed]=Today() and this one gives me todays date
and i tried IFS([Date Completed=<Today(),[Date Completed]=Today()) it gives me all dates. It is a crazy puzzle. I even used AND, OR, still no luck

Hi, What about [Date Completed]>=TODAY()-2

I’ll buy that for a dollar $ this one gave me 3 days. This one works for me. Thank You so much Lynn. and to all others that responded. Mission Complete .

When you tried my expression, was that the entire expression you used, or did you include something else?

IN([Date Completed], LIST(TODAY(), (TODAY() -1)))
(The value of column ‘Date Completed’) is one of the values in the list (LIST(
…(TODAY() - 1))

Above is what it shows in the expression check, but when i go to the ux shorcut it list all dates

back to the drawing board

Something weird is happening with your condition rule… because both OR(…) and IN(…) should work. Difficult to say what is causing this without deeper investigating.

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