List type, Virtual Column

Hello, I have a List type virtual column that return a list of keys from other table.


when I test it the correct values appear in the test but not on the column, when I add a new row the correct value reappears in the column as it should be. Never seen this problem before. The correct value has been computed correctly because I use a Physical column to store the value at submission and the correct value is there. 


Appreciate the help.



1 5 198

This is generally a system-created virtual column used to reference related child records.
What's the expression inside yours?

Thanks for replying. I created a query to extract the relevant items being sold in a order., appending these two lists. 

AND([Running Total - Product Level]>0,
[Running Total - Product Level]<[_THISROW].[Quantidade],
[Produto ID]=[_THISROW].[Produto ID],
list(MINROW("Entradas","Data Compra",
AND([Running Total - Product Level]>0,
[Running Total - Product Level]>=[_THISROW].[Quantidade],
[Produto ID]=[_THISROW].[Produto ID],

The value has been computed correctly but it doesn't appear in the column in the Data view, and reappears after new records

I think maybe there is no problem as it tests true but only appears once a new row is added. This makes sense as it may only extract the data being sold in any order only once the order has been placed and the data uploaded and stored.

That's my penny's worth!

Iโ€™m having the same problem with my virtual list columns. Is this a bug?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I can't make sense of your problem description.

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