Loading logo dimmed in mobile app

In the last months the loading logo has been dimmed (darkened) in the apps (on android at least).

It works fine in browser. What’s the deal?

0 11 164
  • UX

@Ratatosk Have you tried disabling Dark Mode

@jyothis.m It’s not in dark mode. It’s only the loading logo that is getting dimmed, but the sync text is not dimmed.

I noticed this a long time ago on all my devices.
Different OSes, devices, etc.
But the users don’t see this the same I do, the app look great on their devices.
I have no idea why! I kinda hated but I learned to ignore it for now

It was just on desktop, then an all my devices, as I said before.

PS: At least I’m glad I’m not the only one now

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


I noticed today that using another account on incognito mode vs my main account on incognito made different results.
Other account: normal.
My main account: background looks faded no matter what.
So this seems account-related, no matter the device or app

In case it’s not easy to understand.

From my main account:

It’s the same on all devices, browser modes, OSes, etc. (Tied to the account for some weird reason)

From my secondary one:

@Mike_Moss @Steve

@SkrOYC It looks like the same I’m having. I just noticed that, if I changed user, it doesn’t dim on the first load, until the split second before the menus are showing. Though this happened only once. The next time I change user it did dim.

And for me it’s not all devices. It’s on my Android phone, Chromebook, Windows PC (with Chrome) at work, but not my Windows PC at home (with Chrome).

I’ve cleared cookies and all. Still happens.

I noticed that it also happens on background as well as the launch image.
I don’t use backgrounds on my apps so I tested this today and found the same problem.
In case it helps debugging.

Hi @SkrOYC 


The problem is fixed on my end. Is it with you?

Hi @Ratatosk 

I came here to see if there was a reply from AppSheet's team about it because it's also fixed on my side. It was fixed this week, maybe around wednesday.

I'd like to receive an explanation about what happened and how/when it was fixed because I was having this issue since november and now sudenly it's ok.

@Steve You know someone that could give us an insight?

About the same time here.

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