Location is off when using on the water

Hi there,


I am building a fishing registration app.

Each catch I would like to couple to a localisation.

I have created a field in the database called "Localisation" Type = LatLong and as an initial value use the function:  HERE()

So when I register a new catch the current localisation is coupled.

It works well during testing but out on the water it sometimes works and sometimes not.

It sometimes is not taking the right localisation but tries to put met somewhere on a road and not in the open water.

I experience the same with google maps so I quess the function: HERE() is coupled to that.

Is there a way to circumvent this?

Should I adapt any settings in my Maps view?




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Be aware that for GPS to work with maps accurately, your phone needs to be able to obtain signals from at least 3 of the 29+ satellites orbiting the planet.  A fourth satellite is used for altitude.  It may take a couple of minutes for the accuracy to truly zero in on your location.  The satellites are slow.

Additionally, phones try to use assistance from cell towers to help triangulate locations more speedily, since GPS from satellites is slow, and this assistance is the only way to get accurate positions while on the move.  If you do not have strong connections to local cell towers,  then GPS results will be slow and spotty.

AppSheet uses Google services for TRANSLATING GPS/Geolocation data onto a map.  Note that Google Maps has a "Precise Location" setting.  You'll want to make sure that is turned on.

If Google Maps app is behaving the same as the AppSheet app, then it is likely a hardware issue as described above OR that area is not well-supported within Google services - such as remote areas.   And if that is the case then there isn't any mapping changes you can make to improve that situation.  

If Google IS the problem, it may be that there are other external GPS services you could have your app connect to that can more accurately translate to the local map.  But nothing will work well if the hardware issues highlighted above are the cause of the problems.

I would recommend, while out on open water, stop at one location for several minutes.  Check the mapped location and refresh frequently.  If the map does, after a few minutes, accurately zero in on your location, then this likely means you don't have good cell tower connections to be able to quickly triangulate your location.  The phone would have to rely solely on GPS satellites and would need to remain in the same vicinity for a few minutes to get accurate location details.

View solution in original post



map type "Aerial" would be better IMO

Thank you Denny,

Next time on the water we will give this a try and will come back with some feedback.

Sounds very hopeful 

Be aware that for GPS to work with maps accurately, your phone needs to be able to obtain signals from at least 3 of the 29+ satellites orbiting the planet.  A fourth satellite is used for altitude.  It may take a couple of minutes for the accuracy to truly zero in on your location.  The satellites are slow.

Additionally, phones try to use assistance from cell towers to help triangulate locations more speedily, since GPS from satellites is slow, and this assistance is the only way to get accurate positions while on the move.  If you do not have strong connections to local cell towers,  then GPS results will be slow and spotty.

AppSheet uses Google services for TRANSLATING GPS/Geolocation data onto a map.  Note that Google Maps has a "Precise Location" setting.  You'll want to make sure that is turned on.

If Google Maps app is behaving the same as the AppSheet app, then it is likely a hardware issue as described above OR that area is not well-supported within Google services - such as remote areas.   And if that is the case then there isn't any mapping changes you can make to improve that situation.  

If Google IS the problem, it may be that there are other external GPS services you could have your app connect to that can more accurately translate to the local map.  But nothing will work well if the hardware issues highlighted above are the cause of the problems.

I would recommend, while out on open water, stop at one location for several minutes.  Check the mapped location and refresh frequently.  If the map does, after a few minutes, accurately zero in on your location, then this likely means you don't have good cell tower connections to be able to quickly triangulate your location.  The phone would have to rely solely on GPS satellites and would need to remain in the same vicinity for a few minutes to get accurate location details.

Thank you very much for this very complete reply. This is very helpful and since I think it is very complete we can close the topic.๐Ÿ˜€

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