Longtext field in form view, becomes shrink one line

Helllo all.

  • when the last line of the long text field is empty.
  • click outside the area, then the display of the long text field becomes one line.

スクリーンショット 2022-09-16 101226.pngスクリーンショット 2022-09-16 101238.png

Is there any way to fix it?

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  • UX

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

It's probably a bug. Can you confirm that once the form saved, the line break is still here in the text ?

You may want to report it to Support team ? As a minor impediment, I think.

Login - AppSheet


Yes, line breaks are still in the text.
I can see the line breaks in the field, and at detail view.

Last empty line is gone.






I will report it to Support team.
Thank you

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