Lookup and ref column

hi, i have 2 colum, in first i chose the users(ref type), and in the second i inserted LOOKUP([_THISROW].[USER],USERS,USER,MAIL), but it doesnโ€™t work. If i change the column USERS in enum, it works, but in this case iโ€™ve to insert the users manually as builder. How can i resolve it?

0 3 1,118

it isnโ€™t very clear what tables you currently have.

If I understand correctly, you do not need the LOOKUP() function at all. In that second column you simply need to use a dereference function like this [User].[User Email]. User is the name of the column you created in this 2-column table. User Email is the name of the column containing the email value in the USERS table.

To go a little deeper, when you make a Ref column, you are actually referencing the entire row. The value that is displayed is determined by the column you have flagged as โ€œLabelโ€ in that referenced table.

To get at the rest of the values you just need to use the dereference syntax.

I hope this helps! Reply if you need more solid details.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

As @WillowMobileSystems noted, your use of LOOKUP() is unnecessary: [USER].[MAIL] should accomplish what you appear to want.


You refer to the USER (singular) column once, in the LOOKUP() expression, but the USERS (plural) column twice. Do you have both a USER column and a USERS column in the same table?

TX, now it works

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