Looping dynamic value in different tables

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹
Can you make Appsheet recognize a formula typed into Google sheet as text?
I have a table with 2 column and I want give to the user full liberty to customize they own value.
The first column is a static value and I donโ€™t have any problem, but the 2 column si a dynamic value and is an average between different value in a different table and the value are chasing Daily with no corellation With the column.

Thanks in advance

0 2 91

@AndreaSangalli wrote:

Can you make Appsheet recognize a formula typed into Google sheet

Yes - Spreadsheet formulas - AppSheet Help

@AndreaSangalli wrote:

as text?

No. It needs to be entered as a formula.

@AndreaSangalli wrote:

the 2 column si a dynamic value and is an average between different value in a different table and the value are chasing Daily with no corellation With the column

Consider using a virtual column.

Thanks for the feedback!!

In my case I want to use an appsheet formula to calculate the value, because with the regular google sheet Iโ€™m worry that I have to use the Query function.


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