Make Computed field editable by action

I'm sorry, I've been trying to make this functionality work for hours, googling etc... Here's my issue. Maybe I'm just tackling it the wrong way...

I have a sheet consisting of pasted data from an external source (registrants) in which I can't alter the data.

SO, I've created some extra sheets with the intention to use them as reference sheets for the required functionality I require in the app.

It's pretty simple. I want to create two extra boolean columns "Checked In" and "TShirt Given" each referenced by two separate sheets. (For other reasons I can't combine these). My intention was to copy a reference to the main sheet (registrants) and do something like IN([ID], Checked In[Registrant])

But my issue is I can't create an action on anything but the new "Checked In" data and hence I can't get a button on the main sheet view to enable this function.

Happy with any push in the right direction! Im making a (nother) coffee!

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what database you use ? GSheets ? or something else. . ..

well. .. , i think you need to do some query in database instead of appsheet to make some kind of connector

or try to post with an images so i can more understand what you need to


Yes the data is in Google Sheets. The field is non-existant in the original data sheet (and I'd like to keep it that way. I can get a calculated field in the view of the original sheet by using  

IN([ID], Checked In[Registrant])

comparing the "Registrant" column in my new sheet (Checked In) to see if this registrant appears. But how to add a new entry in Checked In from a simple button on the registrant...

Like the edit / delete buttons, but a "Checked In" button/action.

As described I can make an action against the new table (Checked In) but I can't get it to appear on a registrant in the main table? 



Have I understood your request.. you want to show an action button on your "registrant" table view that opens the form view to check in for that one specific user, right?

Yes, although the view that opens would just show maybe four fields from that registrant table name, number and two check boxes for CheckIn and TShirt (calculated fields)

Create an action LINKTOFORM() and set it as Inline action. You need to add one of your columns into your table view as the inline action hides the value from it. Though it doesn't matter what that column is.

OK, that begins to make sense...

I need to create a view with my two new tables? [Checked In and TShirts]

(I'll have to google how to do THAT! or am I using the fields from the "registrants table" and letting the background update the relevant new sheets?)

Once I have the above form I create a "LINKTOFORM" action (more googling) pointing to this new form and add it to the Registrants "Deck" view as an action... then something about adding one column? (Presumably the reference column?)
Thanks for the direction!

No, you don't need any new views. You can open the system generated form view for this purpose. Something like this.. all icons on the left are inline actions doing something. 



No, I'm lost sorry... None of the views I can see look anything like I want and infact what I'd like is an edit of just one registrant where I can set the boolean for checkin AND TShirt?

For now I can't understand how to do this just for Checkin. I think I need to make a LINKTOFORM action and use that as an Action on the registrants table view but it point to what? Check In_Inline? a system generated view? 


OK, so I think I got it:

This opens a form and prefills the relevant fields


hitting save, saves Just the relevant record, but the view is ugly!


however the form that opens is weird... all the names are displayed not just the one I'm editing?



You can create your own form view as then you are able to select what fields it will show. Though you can do the same with the system generated form view as well. And then call that view with your LINKTOFORM().

I created my own form, but it displays the same... it shows ALL the "swimmers" with the selected on highlighted.

I'm wondering if I couldnt do this via an automation? Because this view is just too messy.


I need a away to filter for just the selected row maybe??

GAH!! This really doesn't sound that difficult!




If you don't want to show the form view at all, you could create the row in that way as well. Then you would need to use "Add a row to another table" action. Then it just adds a row automatically, nothing else.

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